There will be an assortment of static steel, reactive steel and falling steel.
Please show up at 0800-0815 in order to register and attend the safety brief at 0830, we will go hot at 0900. You must be present for the safety brief in order to participate in the match. If you would like to help set up , come down earlier, I will be there at 0730.
Bring your firearm in good working condition and 250 rounds of the proper ammunition for it. There will be a mix of static and reactive steel targets. We will have two stages on the rifle range and two stages on the pistol range.
If you're using a center fire pistol bring multiple mags and a holster, you are not required to use a holster if you're using a rimfire pistol. Rimfire rifles and PCC's require an empty chamber indicator. If you don't have one we will give you one.
As always the cost of the match is $20 for members and $30 for nonmembers, Jr's are free.
Hope to see you all there this is always a fun match!
Ed MacBride edmacbride[AT]comcast[DOT]net